10 Must read tips to save money on your RV remodel!
1) Walmart- Never overlook Wal-Mart for things you need like paint, light bulbs, fixtures or minor repair items like glue, putty, etc. Try to avoid Rv stores when possible because the stuff there tends to be over priced. 2) Dollar Tree- Some things you can even find at the Dollar Tree, make a list of things you need and start here. I was able to buy things like cleaning supplies, the first step to remodeling is a through cleaning, putty, tape, and paint brushes, just to name a few items I was able to get here. 3) Craiglist- You can find all kind of things you might need on Craigslist. I was able to find a door and two windows for less than $70. these items would have been at least $200 or more new. 4) Yard sales- Oh how I love 💕 me some yard sales. It’s such an adventure because you don’t know ehat your going to find! One persons ungly-ass 👠 might mean someone else’s (☺️ Me)$90 POSHMARK find! You can find things you might need like handware, wood, tools or? Who knows. Also, think ...